25 October 2007

Why the greedsos want URANIUM stocks, mining and manufacture

Simply sign up to receive the FREE Energy and Capital daily e-letter to get our latest uranium research report... Absolutely FREE:

Investing in Uranium Stocks: The One Commodity Practically Guaranteed To Continue Increasing in Value...
Here's How To Profit from Uranium Stocks... Before The Investment Herd Arrives

We're on the verge of the world's last energy bull market. And just as uranium's momentum seemed to peak . . .

Last October, disaster struck at one of the world's largest uranium mines--Cameco's Cigar Lake project. The underground uranium mine was completely flooded . . . and Cameco was forced to cease all production. This mine had been expected to supply 17% of the world's uranium demand. While Cameco hopes to resume production at Cigar Lake again in 2010, the outlook is grim. They're having a serious problem repairing the damage and may have lost the mine completely.

Fact is, uranium production today is so tight, it can only satisfy 60% of global demand--with no relief in sight. This shortage has propelled uranium prices to $105/lb . . . jumping 575% in just two years!

In the wake of "yellowcake" uranium's dramatic rise, a multitude of uranium companies were started. But most of these companies don't even plan to bring their mines into production . . . and are doomed to fail. Yet here's the rub for investors looking to invest in uranium stocks and funds. . . a few small uranium companies are on their way to triple-digit gains.

To get the full details in our new uranium stock report, simply sign up for the free Energy and Capital e-Letter, a daily advisory on the fast-moving profits in the energy stock sector, written and edited by energy and natural resources investing experts Chris Nelder and Keith Kohl.

You'll get our latest uranium investment forecast report, including the following urgent details:

  • The two uranium mining stocks that your investment portfolio cannot do without.
  • Why the price of uranium is expected to more than double by the end of next year.
  • How to spot international uranium corporation stocks with savvy management, proven track records and strong land packages in geopolitically safe countries.


After gaining access to your uranium report, you'll begin receiving the Energy and Capital e-Letter, delivered to your inbox five times a week. In each issue, you'll discover the foresight and vision to exploit the investment opportunities of a post-oil economy.

Here are some recent Energy and Capital issues our readers picked as their favorites:

  • Uranium Prices in 2008: $255/lb. Is Just the Beginning for Uranium Stocks
  • Investing in Water: Why Water Is One of Today's Best Investment Plays... and How To Profit Right Now
  • How To Recognize the Blueprint for the Energy Crisis Solution... and Make a Fortune in the Process
  • Putting Peak Oil to the Test: 3 Ways to Invest in Energy Prices
  • The Future: Steam-Powered Cars... Investing in Geothermal Resources that Benefit the Environment

Today, energy is at a crossroads. Like a lit fuse, a catastrophe of immeasurable proportions is looming. And while the energy crisis is beginning to make its way into the media limelight, few are aware of the true scope and magnitude of this crisis.

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