low level radiation publications link!!
Also be sure to visit IEER's bookstore, EggheadBooks.org!Research and analyses conducted by IEER have made important contributions to campaigns to stop nuclear weapons production, to improve the clean-up of nuclear weapons production sites, and to ban the production of certain chemicals that destroy the ozone layer. | IEER's technical work is independently reviewed prior to publication (by a wide range of people, not just a narrow field of scientific experts) and has established a reputation for excellence in its scientific content, accessible style, and dedication to the goal of promoting a safer, healthier environment. |
Errata: Corrections to IEER printed materials |
IEER Technical Reports
- Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: (2007) Executive Summary [PDF 450kB] and Full Report [PDF 4.4MB]
A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy
By Arjun Makhijani - Science for the Vulnerable: (2006) PDF 750kB, 107 pages
Setting Radiation and Multiple Exposure Environmental Health Standards to Protect Those Most at Risk
By Arjun Makhijani, Brice Smith, and Michael C. Thorne - Insurmountable Risks: (2006) Summary [PDF 190kB, 32 pages] and the Book
The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power to Combat Global Climate Change
By Brice Smith - Shifting Radioactivity Risks: (2006) PDF 800kB, 88 pages
A Case Study of the K-65 Silos and Silo 3 Remediation and Waste Management at the Fernald Nuclear Weapons Site
By Annie Makhijani and Arjun Makhijani - The Environmental Transport of Radium and Plutonium: A Review (2006) PDF 470kB, 31 pages
By Brice Smith and Alexandra Amonette - Low-Carbon Diet without Nukes in France: (2006) PDF 650kB, 85 pages
An Energy Technology and Policy Case Study on Simultaneous Reduction of Climate Change and Proliferation Risks
By Annie Makhijani and Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. - Dangerous Discrepancies: (2005, reissued with corrections 2006) PDF 1.2MB, 61 pages
Missing Weapons Plutonium in Los Alamos National Laboratory Waste Accounts
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. and Brice Smith, Ph.D. - Soil Cleanup at Los Alamos National Laboratory: (2005) PDF 220kB, 22 pages
Sediment Contamination in the South Fork of Acid Canyon
By Brice Smith, Ph.D. - Bad to the Bone: (2005) PDF
Analysis of the Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels for Plutonium-239 and Other Alpha-Emitting Transuranic Radionuclides in Drinking Water
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. - Costs and Risks of Management and Disposal of Depleted Uranium from the National Enrichment Facility Proposed to be Built in Lea County New Mexico by LES (2005) PDF 398kB Update to this report (2005) PDF 861kB
by Arjun Makhijani, PhD. and Brice Smith, Ph.D.
Report repared for the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and Public Citizen. Redacted version for public release.
Press release available in:English
- What the DOE Knows it Doesn't Know about Grout: (October 2004) PDF 188kB
Serious Doubts Remain About the Durability of Concrete Proposed to Immobilize High-Level Nuclear Waste in the Tank Farms at the Savannah River Site and other DOE Sites
Briefing Paper by Brice Smith, Ph.D.
- Uranium Enrichment: (2004) PDF 2MB
Just Plain Facts to Fuel an Informed Debate on Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Power
Report prepared for the Nuclear Policy Research Institute and presented at the October 15, 2004 NPRI conference
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., Lois Chalmers, and Brice Smith, Ph.D. - Cash Crop on the Wind Farm: (2004) PDF
A New Mexico Case Study of the Cost, Price, and Value of Wind-Generated Electricity
Prepared for presentation at the North American Energy Summit Western Governors' Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 15-16, 2004
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., President, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research; Peter Bickel, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley; Aiyou Chen, Graduate Student, University of California, Berkeley; and, Brice Smith, Ph.D., Project Scientist, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research - Nuclear Dumps by the Riverside: (2004) PDF
Threats to the Savannah River from Radioactive Contamination at the Savannah River Site (SRS)
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., and Michele Boyd - NATO and Nuclear Disarmament: (2003) PDF
An Analysis of the Obligations of the NATO Allies of the United States under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., and Nicole Deller, J.D. - IEER Reports on Two Independent Clean Air Act Audits of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
IEER Report on First Audit (2000)
IEER Report on Second Audit (2000)
IEER Report on Third Audit (2002)
By Arjun Makhijani and Bernd Franke - Precision Bombing, Widespread Harm: (2002) PDF
Two Case Studies of the Bombings of Industrial Facilities at Pancevo and Kragujevac During Operation Allied Force, Yugoslavia 1999
By Sriram Gopal and Nicole Deller - Cogéma: Above the Law? (2002)
Concerns about the French Parent Company of a U.S. Corporation Set to Process Plutonium in South Carolina
A report prepared by Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and Safe Energy Communication Council
By Annie Makhijani, Linda Gunter, and Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. - Setting Cleanup Standards to Protect Future Generations: (2001) PDF
The Scientific Basis of the Subsistence Farmer Scenario and Its Application to the Estimation of Radionuclide Soil Action Levels (RSALs) for Rocky Flats
A report prepared for the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, Boulder, Colorado
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. and Sriram Gopal - Securing the Energy Future of the United States: (2001) PDF
Oil, Nuclear, and Electricity Vulnerabilities and a post-September 11, 2001 Roadmap for Action
A preliminary report of IEER's energy assessment project
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. - Poison in the Vadose Zone: (2001) PDF
An examination of the threats to the Snake River Plain aquifer from the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D., and Michele Boyd - Plutonium End Game: (2001) PDF
Managing Global Stocks of Separated Weapons-Usable Commercial and Surplus Nuclear Weapons Plutonium
By Arjun Makhijani - Preliminary Partial Dose Estimates from the Processing of Nuclear Materials at Three Plants during the 1940s and 1950s (2000)
A study commissioned by USA TODAY newspaper
By Arjun Makhijani, Bernd Franke, and Hisham Zerriffi - The Nuclear Alchemy Gamble: (2000)
An Assessment of Transmutation as a Nuclear Waste Management Strategy
By Hisham Zerriffi and Annie Makhijani - Wind Power Versus Plutonium: (1999)
An Examination of Wind Energy Potential and a Comparison of Offshore Wind Energy to Plutonium Use in Japan
By Marc Fioravanti - Dangerous Thermonuclear Quest: (1998)
The Potential of Explosive Fusion Research for the Development of Pure Fusion Weapons
By Arjun Makhijani and Hisham Zerriffi - Fluid inclusion studies of samples from the Exploratory Study Facility, Yucca Mountain, Nevada (1998)
By Yuri Dublyansky, PhD - Radiation Exposures in the Vicinity of the Uranium Facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania (1998)
By Bernd Franke and Arjun Makhijani - Containing the Cold War Mess: (1997) PDF
Restructuring the Environmental Management of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex
By Marc Fioravanti and Arjun Makhijani - Risky Relapse into Reprocessing: (1996)
Environmental and Non-Proliferation Consequences of the Department of Energy's Spent Fuel Management Program
By Noah Sachs - The Nuclear Power Deception: (1996)
U.S. Nuclear Mythology from Electricity "Too Cheap to Meter" to "Inherently Safe" Reactors
By Arjun Makhijani and Scott Saleska
The book, published in 1999, updates this report. - The Nuclear Safety Smokescreen: (1996)
Warhead Safety and Reliability and the Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program
By Hisham Zerriffi and Arjun Makhijani - Tritium: (1996)
The environmental, health, budgetary, and strategic effects of the Department of Energy's decision to produce tritium.
By Hisham Zerriffi
(large file) - Radioactive and Mixed Waste Incineration (1993)
By David Kershner, Scott Saleska, and Arjun Makhijani - Climate Change and Transnational Corporations: Analysis and Trends (1992)
Prepared by Arjun Makhijani for the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations - Draft Power in South Asian Foodgrain Production: (1990)
Analysis of the Problem and Suggestions for Policy
By Arjun Makhijani - Irradiation of Personnel During Operation Crossroads: (1983) PDF, 3.2MB
An Evaluation Based on Official Documents
By Arjun Makhijani and David Albright - Reports on Radiation, Health, and the Environment
- Reports on the Effects of Nuclear Weapons Testing in the Marshall Islands
- Other Reports
IEER Fact Sheets
- Fissile Material Basics (Produced with Physicians for Social Responsibility-PSR. 2 pgs.)
- Fissile Material Health & Environmental Dangers (Produced with PSR. 2-pgs.)
- Incineration of Radioactive and Mixed Waste (4 pgs.)
- Physical, Nuclear, and Chemical Properties of Plutonium (4 pgs.)
- Uranium: Its Uses and Hazards (4 pgs.)
- Full list of fact sheets
IEER Newsletters
- IEER newsletter, Science for Democratic Action.
- IEER's global newsletter, Energy & Security. (Available in Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese, and English.)
IEER Books (Also be sure to check out
- Insurmountable Risks (2006)
The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power to Combat Global Climate Change - Manifesto for Global Democracy (2004)
Two Essays on Imperialism and the Struggle for Freedom - Rule of Power or Rule of Law? (2003)
An Assessment of U.S. Policies and Actions Regarding Security-Related Treaties - Ecology and Genetics (2001)
An Essay on the Nature of Life and the Problem of Genetic Engineering - Nuclear Wastelands (2000)
A Global Guide to Nuclear Weapons Production and Its Health and Environmental Effects - The Nuclear Power Deception (1999)
U.S. Nuclear Mythology from Electricity "Too Cheap to Meter" to "Inherently Safe" Reactors - Fissile Materials in a Glass, Darkly (1995)
- Mending the Ozone Hole (1995)
- High-Level Dollars, Low-Level Sense (1992)
- Plutonium: Deadly Gold of the Nuclear Age (1992)
- Radioactive Heaven and Earth (1991)
The Health and Environmental Effects of Nuclear Weapons Testing In, On, and Above the Earth
Other Publications
- IEER's Yellow Pages - The technical reference guide for activists, citizens and policy makers on nuclear waste and cleanup issues. (22 pgs.)
- Atomic Audit (Stephen Schwartz, ed., 1998)
- De-alerting Russian and U.S. nuclear weapons: A path to reducing nuclear dangers (Arbatov, et al.: Institute of International Economy and Foreign Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001)
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