Selected English and French language publications(last updated 1 Nov 2007)
- Introductory and General Interest
- Uranium Industry and Economy
- Environmental Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling
- Images, Videos, Films & Music
- Uranium: a discussion guide, published by National Film Board of Canada, Montreal, 1991, 24 p.
Order address: NFB
Also available for download (86k HTML - CCNR) - Uranium Mining and Milling: A Primer, in: The Workbook, Vol.IV, Nos.6&7, Nov./Dec. 1979, p.222-233, [Excellent overview of technology, environmental and health impacts, and regulatory process.]
Order address: SRIC - Uranium Legacy, in: The Workbook, Vol. VIII, No.6, Nov.-Dec. 1983, p.192-207
Order address: SRIC - The "Costs" of Uranium: Who's Paying with Lives, Lands, and Dollars, by Chris Shuey, Paul Robinson, and Lynda Taylor; in: The Workbook, Vol.X, No.3, July/Sept. 1985, p.102-117 [Most recent look at uranium mining, as companies, workers, and citizens come to grips with uranium mill tailings.]
Order address: SRIC - Uranium Mining at the Grand Canyon, by Cate Gilles, et al., in: The Workbook, Spring 1991, 17 p., [The author focuses on uranium mining in the Grand Canyon region and how it affects the Havasupai and Hualapai from a health and cultural standpoint. It also investigates the effect on the environment and industry claims that it will not be adversely affected.]
Order address: SRIC - Cancer factories - America's tragic quest for uranium self- sufficiency
, by Howard Ball, Contributions in Medical Studies No.37, Greenwood Press
, Westport, Connecticut, 1993, 189 p., ISBN 0-313-27566-1 [The Context: America in the Post-World War II Years / Mining Uranium: National Policies, Uranium, and the Etiology of the Cancers in the Uranium Miners / The Pact with the Devil: U.S. Public Health Service Uranium Miner Studies, 1950-Present / The Uranium Miners in the Legal Environment / The Politics of Radioactivity in Congress: The 1990 Compensation Legislation / The Uranium Miners' Experience Viewed in a Comparative Context]
- If you poison us : uranium and Native Americans
, by Peter H. Eichstaedt, Red Crane Books, Santa Fe, NM 1994, 263 p., ISBN 0-878610-40-6 [The book contains an up to date account of the struggle of the Navajos to obtain some measure of relief from the problems caused by uranium mining. It is illustrated with numerous photographs of the people involved, as well as pictures of the abandoned mine sites in the area. Many of the surviving Navajo miners are interviewed. There is a discussion of some shortcomings of the 1990 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, and an account of efforts at mine reclamation.
From the introduction: "This book is the story of how uranium mining began on Indian lands in the American West, how it was conducted, and how its deadly legacy still lingers in the lives of the men, women, and children whose harmony and homelands have been destroyed."] - The Navajo People and Uranium Mining
, Doug Brugge, Timothy Benally, Esther Yazzie-Lewis (Eds.), University of New Mexico Press, 2006, 230 p.
- "Memories Come to Us in the Rain and the Wind": Oral Histories and Photographs of Navajo Uranium Miners and Their Families.
The Navajo Uranium Miner Oral History and Photography Project (Ed.); Boston 1997, 62 p.
To purchase the book and/or for more information contact Doug Brugge at dbrugge@aol.com - Uranium Milling and the Church Rock Disaster
, chapter 9 of Killing Our Own, The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation by Harvey Wasserman and Norman Solomon, New York 1982
- Uranium Mining in Northern Saskatchewan - Is It Worth the Risk?, by Jamie Kneen, Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout, Oct 1992, 42 p. [This collection of fact sheets explores all topics of Saskatchewan mining from health risks to environmental risks. Air and water quality and tailings management are reviewed as well as McClean and Cluff Lakes environmental impacts statements.]
Order address: NIRS, Order No. UR- 2002
- Bibliography on Saskatchewan uranium inquiries and the northern and global impact of the uranium industry, by Jim Harding, Beryl Forgay, and Mary Gianoli. In the public interest, Research report no.1; University of Regina
, Prairie Justice Research, ISBN 0-7731-0052-0, Regina, Sask. 1988, 84 p.
- Aboriginal rights and government wrongs: Uranium mining and neocolonialism in northern Saskatchewan -- Second edition, by Jim Harding. In the public interest, Working paper no. 1; University of Regina
, Prairie Justice Research, ISBN 0-7731-0140-3, Regina, Sask. 1992, 42 p.
- Voices from Wollaston Lake - Resistance Against Uranium Mining And Genocide In Northern Saskatchewan, by Miles Goldstick. 1987, 316 p. [overview on the uranium mining industry in Saskatchewan, Canada, its impacts on indigenous people, and reports on the resistance against the uranium industry in 1985]
Order address: WISE Amsterdam - Uranium Mining in Europe - The Impacts on Man and Environment, by Peter Diehl. WISE News Communique 439/440, Special Edition, September 1995, 46 p. [Overview on the uranium mining industry in Europe, its environmental and health impacts, the decommissioning of uranium mines and mills; many maps, graphs and photos]
Order address: WISE Amsterdam - WISE News Communique - Uranium Special Edition, WISE News Communique 362/363, 6 December 1991, 24 p. [overview on the uranium industry and its impacts, regional reports from all over the world, bibliography, international contact list]
Order address: WISE Amsterdam - Past Exposure - Revealing health and environmental risks of Rössing Uranium, by Greg Dropkin and David Clark, published by the Namibia Support Committee in association with PARTiZANS, London, 1992, 134 p. [comprehensive overview on the impacts of the uranium mining industry on workers health and on the environment, in general, and in the case of Rössing in Namibia in particular]
Order address: Namibia Support Committee, 37-39 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 OES, England - Plunder !, by Roger Moody, published by People Against RTZ and its Subsidiaries (PARTiZANS), and Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA), London, 1991, 195 p., ISBN 0-9517522-0-0 [several chapters of the book are on uranium mining by Rio Tinto Zinc in Australia, Namibia and Canada, and its impacts on environment and indigenous people]
Order address: PARTiZANS, 218 Liverpool Road, London N1 1LE, England, Tel. +44-171-6091852, Fax: +44-171-7006189 - Uranium Mining in Australia, published by Movement Against Uranium Mining (NSW), Haymarket 1991, 16 p.
Order address: Movement Against Uranium Mining, P.O.Box K133, Haymarket NSW 2000, Australia, Tel. +61-2-2124538, Fax: +61-2- 2815216 - Poison - Fire - Sacred Earth, Testimonies - Lectures - Conclusions, The World Uranium Hearing Salzburg 1992, 314 p., ISBN 3-928505-00-9, München 1993 [testimonies of indigenous people from all over the world concerned from uranium mining and nuclear weapons testing]
Excerpts are available for viewing here(ratical).
- La Quatorzième Source - Les Barrages de Grandmont, by Christian Pénicaud, 244 p. in French
, 1996 [This books describes the struggle of the residents of Grandmont (St.Sylvestre, Haute-Vienne, France) against the uranium mining company COGEMA in 1980. The community had lost 13 sources due to the mining activities, but the running dry of the last source - la quatorzième source - was prevented, as a result of the struggle. Although the book is written in the form of a novel, it is based on the authentic history of the struggle.]
Order address: Christian Pénicaud, Le Petit Coudier, 87240 St.Sylvestre, France - Yellowcake Towns - Uranium Mining Communities in the American West, by Michael A. Amundson, 208 p., University Press of Colorado
Hardcover Edition, ISBN 0-87081-662-4, 2002
Paperback Edition, ISBN 0-87081-765-5, 2004 - A New Approach to Policy Evaluation - Mining and Indigenous People
, by Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
, ISBN: 0-7546-2277-0, London 2002, 276 pages
[the book examines the effects of Australia's policies on uranium mining on Aboriginal people]
- Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials From Uranium Mining, Volume 1: Mining and Reclamation Background
, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-R-05-007, 182 pp., January 2006, Revised June 2007 [describes the uranium mining processes (conventional and in situ-leaching) used in the United States, the volumes and characteristics of the wastes generated, and the schemes used for reclamation of former uranium mine sites.]
- Technical Resource Document: Uranium - Extraction and Beneficiation of Ores and Minerals, Volume 5, U.S.EPA Office of Solid Waste, EPA/530-R-94-032, NTIS/PB94-200987, November 1994, 125 p. [Report briefly characterizes the geology of uranium ores and the economics of the industry. Describes uranium extraction and beneficiation operations with specific reference to the waste and materials associated with these operations and the potential environmental effects that may result from uranium mining. Uranium processing wastes are not addressed in this profile. Report concludes with a description of current regulatory programs that apply to the uranium mining industry as implemented by Federal land management agencies and selected states.]
Order address: National Technical Information Service
Also available by Download(536k PDF
); alternate source: EPA NEPIS
(EPA Pub # 530R94032)
- Uranium Mill Tailings, Chapter 5 of: Integrated Data Base Report -- 1996: U.S. Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Inventories, Projections, and Characteristics, Revision 13 -- December 1997, U.S. DOE Office of Environmental Management (Ed.): DOE-EM IDB97 Chap.5
- 45 000 000 tonnes de déchets radioactifs - les dépôts de résidus de traitement d'uranium en France, INFO URANIUM No.55 Numéro Special, Mars-Avril 1992, Rodez, 36 p. in French
[overview on the situation of the uranium mill tailings deposits in France]
Order address: Action Environnement
- The Sustainability of Mining in Australia - Key Production Trends and Their Environmental Implications for the Future
, by G M Mudd, Research Report No RR5, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University and the Mineral Policy Institute, Australia, October 2007.
- Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials From Uranium Mining, Volume 2: Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines
, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 402-R-05-007, August 2007 [provides a general scoping evaluation of potential radiogenic cancer and environmental risks posed by small abandoned uranium mines in the western United States.]
- Potential Health and Environmental Hazards of Uranium Mine Wastes. Vol.2 (Rept. to the Congress), published by U.S. EPA Office of Radiation Programs, Washington D.C., June 1983, 505 p., Report-No.: EPA/520/1-6-83-007-VOL-2, Order-No.: PB83-263343 [complete overview on the health and environmental hazards posed by uranium mining, in-situ leaching, and uranium mine wastes (not including uranium mill tailings)]
Order address: National Technical Information Service - Final Environmental Impact Statement for Standards for Control of Byproduct Materials from Uranium Ore Processing (40 CFR 192), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation Programs, Washington, D.C., September 1983, EPA/520/1-83-008, 2 volumes, approx. 550 p. [EIS for public health and environmental standards (40 CFR 192) for uranium and thorium mill tailings at licensed mill sites under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (PL. 95-604).]
Order address: National Technical Information Service
> Also available for download from EPA NEPIS(EPA Pub # 5201830081 and 5201830082), and from NRC ADAMS
(Accession Nos. ML032751396
, ML032751400
- Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on uranium milling, Project M-25, published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material, Safety and Safeguards, Washington, D.C., September 1980, Report No. NUREG-0706, 3 volumes, approx. 850 p. [assessment of health and environmental hazards from uranium milling and uranium mill tailings, and of tailings management alternatives]
Order address: National Technical Information Service
> Also available for download from ADAMS(Accession Nos. ML032751663
, ML032751667
, and ML032751669
- An Assessment of the Radiological Impact of Uranium Mining in Northern Saskatchewan, published by Environment Canada, Report EPS 2/MM/1, Ottawa, June 1986, 174 p.
Order address: Publications Section, Environmental Protection Programs Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C8, Canada
- Long-term Ecological Behaviour of Abandoned Uranium Mill Tailings - 3. Radionuclide Concentrations and Other Characteristics of Tailings, Surface Waters, and Vegetation, by Margarete Kalin, published by Environment Canada, Report EPS 3/HA/4, February 1988, 97 p.
Order address: Publications Section, Environmental Protection Programs Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C8, Canada
- Patricia A. Thomas: Radionuclide analyses of Saskatchewan caribou, 1995: Final report. Saskatchewan Health, Regina (Canada). 1995. 72p. [Investigation of impacts of uranium mining in the Wollaston Lake area]
- Environment Canada's Surveillance of Uranium Mining in Saskatchewan: Annotated Bibliography
- Patricia A. Thomas: The Ecological Distribution and Bioavailability of Uranium Series Radionuclides in Terrestrial Food Chains: Key Lake Uranium Operations, Northern Saskatchewan, Environment Canada, Regina, December 1997, 223 p.
- A Review of the Biophysical Effects of Uranium Mining and Milling in Canada, prepared by Golder Associates Ltd.; Atomic Energy Control Board
, Research Report RSP-0056, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1996
- Natural Resources Canada, Minerals and Metals Sector, Mine Environment Neutral Drainage Program: MEND Reports Available
- Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS), Environment Australia: Research Reports, Technical Memorandums
- Radio-Ecological Investigations in the Surroundings of MAPE Uranium Ore Processing Plant Near Ceské Budejovice in Southern Bohemia (CSFR), by Peter Bossew, published by Österreichisches Ökologieinstitut, Wien, Nov. 1990, Report No. OEI-GAM-24
Order address: Österreichisches Ökologieinstitut, Seidengasse 13, A-1070 Wien, Austria, Tel. +43-1-936105, Fax: +43-1-5235843
View text only - Report on the Greenpeace visit to the uranium complex at the Priargunskiy Mountain Chemical Combine, by D. Litvinov, 17 p. [In November 1994 a team from Greenpeace Sweden visited the Krasnokamensk region in Eastern Siberia, in order to document the alleged environmental problems associated with uranium production in Russia. Report on this visit.]
Order address: Greenpeace Sweden, Box 8913, 40273 Göteborg, Sweden, Tel. +46-31-222255, Fax: +46-31-232429, email: Greenpeace.Sweden@green2.greenpeace.org
Also available for download - Assessment of the health and environmental situation in the mining community Krasnokamensk, East Siberia, Russian Federation, by H.Ehdwall et al. Translation of SSI-95- 20. Swedish Inst. of Radiation Protection (Ed.), SSI-95-21, Stockholm 1995, 51 p., [Report from a visit of a Swedish delegation, finding no significant impact].
- Environmental Damage and Policy Issues in the Uranium and Gold Mining Districts of Chita Oblast in the Russian Far East: A Report on Existing Problems at Baley and Krasnokamensk and Policy Needs in the Region, by Paul Robinson, Southwest Research and Information Center, Albquerque NM, Nov. 1996
> View excerpt Impacts of Uranium Mining in Krasnokamensk (38k)
- Fight for Country: The story of the Jabiluka blockade
Written and directed by Pip Starr, produced by Bill Runting, Rockhopper Productions, 2001.
Order address: Rockhopper Productions, 51 Alvie Rd, Mt. Waverley, Victoria, 3149, Australia, Tel. +61-425-763 681, email: info@rhproductions.com.au
- Buddha Weeps In Jadugoda, by Shriprakash, Language: Hindi/santhali, subtitles in English
, 1999, 55 min., video
original format: Beta SP (available in vhs) PAL
[This is a documentary film on uranium mining and its deadly impacts on the tribal people living near the Jadugoda mine, mill and tailings dam, in the East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand (India). Unsafe mining, milling and tailings management by UCIL in this area for almost 30 years has resulted in excessive radiation, contamination of water, land and air, destruction of the local ecology, and lead for to genetic mutation, and slow death for the people of the region. The film attempts to depict the gross misuse of power by the authorities in displacing the original inhabitants of the region, the utter lack of concern for internationally accepted norms and safety precautions in the handling of uranium and its by-products, and their callousness of its disastrous impact on the people and the region.
The film was selected best film at the EARTH VISION - The Tokyo Global Environmental Film Festival 2000and third best film at the Film South Asia 1999
festival in Kathmandu.]
- Order address: KRITIKA, 30, Randhir Prasad Street, Upper Bazar, Ranchi 834001, Jharkhand, India, Tel. +91-651-317461, e-mail: kritikashri@hotmail.com
- A CD-ROM version in MPEG format (352 x 288 pixels) can be obtained from: mines, mineral and PEOPLE (mm&P), Singhbum Secretariat, Tel. +91-657-220266, e-mail: mmpnorth@dte.vsnl.net.in
- Small excerpts can be viewed online
- Order address: KRITIKA, 30, Randhir Prasad Street, Upper Bazar, Ranchi 834001, Jharkhand, India, Tel. +91-651-317461, e-mail: kritikashri@hotmail.com
- Village Of Widows, by Peter Blow, 1999, 52 min., video
[This is the story of the Sahtu Dene people in Canada's Northwest Territories, who worked as "coolies" transporting the uranium ore that went into the bombs that shattered Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ore from the Government owned Port Radium mine was sold exclusively to the American Atomic Bomb program from 1942 to 1960. There remains 1.7 million tonnes of radioactive waste at the minesite and in the lake. The film also looks at the band's contemporary plight, their political struggle for justice and their spiritual response (which took a small Dene delegation to Hiroshima in 1998).]
Order address: Lindum Films Inc., 67 Marjory Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4M 2Y2. Tel. +1-416-461-2305, Fax: +1-416-461-4311 - Jabiluka: the struggle of the Mirrar people against the Jabiluka uranium mine, by David Bradbury, 1997, 63 min., video: VHS. Produced and directed by Academy Award nominated David Bradbury; Edited by Jeff Canin; Original score by Rik Cole and Nicolette Boaz.
View Review of Jabiluka· Interview with David Bradbury
(Green Left Weekly No.301)
Order address: Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation, Post Office Box 245, Jabiru, Northern Territory, 0886, Australia. Phone: +61-8- 89792200, Fax: +61-8-89792299
> View online: high res. (225 kbit/s)· low res. (34 kbit/s)
(Real player
- Uranium en Limousin
, by Thierry Lamireau, 1993, 37 min. in French
, video: Betacam SP-PAL (VHS PAL also avail.), sound: Dolby NR, price: FF 150 plus postage [impacts of the uranium mining industry in the Limousin region in Central France on worker's health and environment]
Order address: Thierry Lamireau, 16 rue de New York, F-87000 Limoges, France
> View online: low res. (21kbit/s)(Real player
- Uranium
, by National Film Board of Canada, 1990, Color, 48 min., English
and French
versions, film: 16 mm, video: VHS
Order address: NFB - Sunseekers
(Sonnensucher), by Konrad Wolf, 1958/1972, 115 min., film: 16 mm, b/w, German
with English
Order address: DEFA Film Library Project, Univ. of Massachusetts
- Museum of Western Colorado
: Historic views of Uranium Exploration, Mining, and Milling on the Colorado Plateau
- The Yellow Cake Revue
: comments in words and music on the threat of uranium mining in Orkney: for voice and piano, by Peter Maxwell Davies; text by the composer; 1 score (36p); Boosey & Hawkes, London 1984, Pl.no. B&H 6550 [Songs with piano, composed by the famous conductor and composer for the campaign against uranium mining near Stromness on the Orkney Islands]
Order address links:
- National Technical Information Service NTIS
, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, USA, Tel. +1-703- 487-4650, Fax: +1-703-321-8547
- National Film Board of Canada NFB
, 120-2 Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C3, Canada, Tel. +1-403-495-3012, Fax: +1-403-495-6412
- OECD Publications (respectively national OECD sales office): OECD Publications
, 2, rue André Pascal, F-75775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France, Tel. +33-1- 45248200, Fax: +33-1-49104276, E-Mail: Compte.PUBSINQ@oecd.org
> see also:
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