01 April 2011

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Incident (ANALYSIS)

A video transcoded & edited by yrs. truly, from the EXCELLENT powerpoint presentation originally done by Dr. Matthias Braun, March 29, 2011, under AREVA's umbrella, that (h/t Corporanon, again) came to my attention in a post over at the Energy From Thorium weblog,

From the introduction by Kirk Sorensen. 

Ever since the earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima-Daiichi reactor site in Japan, many of us nuclear bloggers have struggled to get good and consistent information on the event, and even more so in a form that is easy to depict and convey.


Yesterday I was sent this absolutely outstanding presentation done by... engineer Dr. Matthias Braun, and I have found it to be a very easy to follow description of what took place at Fukushima-Daiichi and its implications. I saw no markings on the presentation listing it as “proprietary” ...

Please take a look and study the sequence of events to gain a better understanding of what happened at Fukushima-Daiichi and what it’s consequences might be.

html version here, pdf here.

Be seeing you.

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